Description for zero level DFD
- As stated in the question there are 4 users in the project.
- Here detailed informations regarding each student and teacher are given and in response every student has got SIN(student identification num) or Roll No. and for teacher it is TIN(teacher identification num).
- Database Manager will perform all the data entry job.
- After giving routine generating command a routne will be generated.
- Admin can veiw the every user , his peformance and get the result by giving the query. first level DFD of university management:

every student , every teacher , evey class room and every subject should be registerd
Here student_info datastore contain information regarding student.
Description of second level DFD:
Here teacher_info datastore contain information regarding teacher.
Here class_info datastore contain information regarding class.
Here subject_info datastore contain information regarding
second level DFD of university management:

class will be managed by the process -Attendance Submit
-Lectute plan given by teacher.
-Student feedback given by teacher.
-Teacher feedback given by student.
Here Datastores are:
- Attendence
-Lecture-plan info
-Student feedback
-Teacher feedback.
DFD of university management:
very good site for the information
thx man
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